Water, Ice, Hydrate

Water and ice are indispensable in our daily lives. We will clarify the mechanism of how these anomalous properties arise.

Theory and Simulation

We use statistical mechanics theory and computer simulation together to investigate phenomena invisible to experiment and to predict the properties of materials prior to experimentation.

Mysteries around You

Why does ice float on water? Why don’t the oceans expand as the Earth warms? Why are methane hydrates found on the ocean floor? Simple questions are not always easy to answer.

GenIce-core:Efficient Algorithm for Generation of Hydrogen-Disordered Ice Structures

Ice is different from ordinary crystals because it contains randomness, which means that statistical treatment based on ensemble averaging is essential. Ice structures are constrained by topological rules known as the ice rules, which give them unique anomalous properties. These properties become more apparent when the system size is large. For this reason, there is a need to produce a large number of sufficiently large crystals that are homogeneously random and satisfy the ice rules.

Cage occupancies of CH4, CO2, and Xe hydrates:Mean field theory and grandcanonical Monte Carlo simulations

We propose a statistical mechanical theory for the thermodynamic stability of clathrate hydrates, considering the influence of the guest–guest interaction on the occupancies of the cages. A mean field approximation is developed to examine the magnitude of the influence. Our new method works remarkably well, which is manifested by two sorts of grandcanonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations. One is full GCMC, and the other is designed in the present study for clathrate hydrates, called lattice-GCMC, in which each guest can be adsorbed at one of the centers of the cage.

Efficiency and energy balance for substitution of CH4 in clathrate hydrates with CO2 under multiple-phase coexisting conditions

Many experimental and theoretical studies on CH4–CO2 hydrates have been performed aiming at the extraction of CH4 as a relatively clean energy resource and concurrent sequestration of CO2. However, vague or insufficient characterization of the environmental conditions prevents us from a comprehensive understanding of even equilibrium properties of CH4–CO2 hydrates for this substitution. We propose possible reaction schemes for the substitution, paying special attention to the coexisting phases, the aqueous and/or the fluid, where CO2 is supplied from and CH4 is transferred to.

On the phase behaviors of CH4–CO2 binary clathrate hydrates:Two-phase and three-phase coexistences

We develop a statistical mechanical theory on clathrate hydrates in order to explore the phase behaviors of clathrate hydrates containing two kinds of guest species and apply it to CH4–CO2 binary hydrates. The two boundaries separating water and hydrate and hydrate and guest fluid mixtures are estimated, which are extended to the lower temperature and the higher pressure region far distant from the three-phase coexisting conditions. The chemical potentials of individual guest components can be calculated from free energies of cage occupations, which are available from intermolecular interactions between host water and guest molecules.

Structure Selectivity of Mixed Gas Hydrates and Group 14 Clathrates

A new paper from our group has been published. In a previous paper, we examined the regularity with which the crystal structure of inclusion hydrates is chosen. We applied that approach to a new mixed gas inclusion hydrates and group 14 clathrate compounds. In the former, we presented an overarching explanation for why mixing gases may change the crystal structure. Adding just a few molecules of a certain type may significantly change the crystal structure.

On the role of intermolecular vibrational motions for ice polymorphs. III. Mode characteristics associated with negative thermal expansion.

It is well known as an unusual property of liquid water that when it is cooled down, it begins to expand at a temperature below 4 degree celsius. When it is cooled down to 0 degree, it becomes ice, and after that, its volume becomes smaller as it is cooled down. However, even after it becomes ice, if the temperature is kept very low, it begins to expand again at an absolute temperature of 60 K or lower.